
1.  "Many of my aquaponic plants had to suffer the ultimate sacrifice because of my lack of experience on the topic. But I found out I knew little to nothing about it. Just by looking at your website I quickly realized that I was completely ignorant and uninformed when it came to aquaponics. I knew right then and there that I needed to get a copy of your program - so that no more plants had to suffer because of my ignorance. From the very beginning I found your guide to be simple to understand. Saying that your program is worth the money is an understatement. The results that I have seen make it well worth far more than what I paid."

-- James

2.  "After many failed attempts of building an aquaponic system. I was performing a search on the internet for information and found your site. I have never been so thankful to find a site before in my life. I learned so much through your guide and video. I have also been very impressed with your customer service. I have sent you many emails asking questions and you answered me back quickly. Thank you"

-- William B. White

3.  "Throughout my professional career as a gardener I have tried many different tactics to try to make my job a bit easier. Aquaponics4You gives insight into Aquaponics that both professionals and those without professional experience can benefit from. While following the Aquaponics4You system I was able to see John's true enthusiasm. I love your system because there is always new and interesting information to learn. I am excited to continue with my Aquaponics education and hope to incorporate my new found knowledge into my profession." 

-- Kevin

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